Overview of Standards on Auditing (SAs)

  • Introduction
  • Objectives of the Auditing Standard
  • Role of International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board
  • Role of Auditing and Assurance Standard Board
  • Classification of the SAs
  • Conclusion


As we know that checking and verification of financial information by an authorized auditor is known as auditing which assures the reliability and authenticity of the financial information to give assurance to the stakeholders of the entity. There are some specified guidelines that an auditor has to follow for conducting an audit of high quality and ensuring that financial information is free from material misstatement. These guidelines are provided by AASB i.e.  Auditing and Assurance Standard Board which are acceptable all over the world. An auditor or auditing firm must follow the specified set of standards that are applicable to the applicability of their business entities.

Objectives of the Auditing Standard

The reason behind conducting the audit in an organization is to give assurance to the stakeholders that the financial information is free from material misstatement, so with the help of auditing standards, the audit can be conducted smoothly and efficiently within the time period. Auditing Standards work as guidance and ensure that all the audit procedures comply with the requirements of the applicable standard. Under the guidance of auditing standards, the auditor provides high-quality audit reports of the entity which are useful for the users of the financial statements eventually.

Role of International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board

The International Federation of Accountants was officially established in 1977 with the objective of encouraging oneness and harmony in the accounting profession at the international level. The IFAC board has set up the International Auditing and Assurance Standard Board (IAASB) for issuing a high-quality set of rules and standards for better serving in public interest at the international level.

Role of Auditing and Assurance Standard Board

As an IFAC member, The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India viz ICAI is dedicated to assisting in the implementation of its regulations. The AASB was established by the ICAI to evaluate auditing procedures and formulate auditing standards.

Classification of the SAs

On the basis of type of assurance by the engagement undertaken by the auditor, auditing standards are reclassified as follows:

SAs: These are applied in the audit of historical financial information.

SREs: These are applied in the review of historical financial information.

SAEs: These are applied in assurance engagements that deal with those subject matters other than historical financial information.

SRSs: These are applied in those engagements for information and other related services, such as compilation engagements, when procedures have been agreed upon.

Structure of the standard under the new revised preface:

  1. Standard for Quality control (SQC 01-99)
  2. Standard on Review Engagements (SRE 2000-2699)
  3. Standard on Assurance Engagements (SAE 3000- 3699)
  4. Standard on Related Services (SRS 4000- 4699)

Standards on Auditing (SA 100-999) aspects covered in series:

  • Introductory Matters (SA 100-199)
  • General Principles and Responsibilities (SA 200-299)
  • Risk Assessment and Response to Assessed Risk (SA 300-499)
  • Audit Evidence (SA 500-599)
  • Using the work of others (SA 600-699)
  • Audit conclusions and reporting (SA 700-799)
  • Specialised Areas (SA 800-899) 


The List of Auditing Standards is as follows


SA No.

Name of Standard on Auditing

Coverage Under the SAs

SA 200

The overall objectives of an Independent Auditor

This standard covers the auditor’s overall objectives and the audit’s conduct in accordance with the standard of auditing.

SA 210

Agreeing with the Terms of Audit Engagements

This standard covers the auditor’s responsibilities in agreeing to the terms of the audit engagement with management and TCWG i.e. those charged with Governance.

SA 220

Quality Control for an Audit of Financial Statements

This standard covers the specific responsibilities of the auditor related to quality control procedures for an audit of financial statements.

SA 230

Audit Documentation

It covers the auditor’s responsibilities in the preparation of audit documentation while conducting the audit.

SA 240

The Auditor’s responsibilities relating to Fraud in an audit of financial statements

It covers the auditor’s responsibilities towards fraud in the audit of an entity.

SA 250

Consideration of Laws and Regulations in an Audit of Financial Statements

It covers the auditor’s responsibilities to consider laws and regulations when performing an audit of financial statements.

SA 260

Communication with those charged with Governance

It deals with the auditor’s responsibilities to communicate with those charged with governance in an audit of financial statements.

SA 265

Communicating deficiencies in Internal Control to those charged with Governance and Management.

It deals with the auditor’s responsibility to communicate appropriately the deficiencies in internal control to those charged with governance and management.

SA 299

Responsibility of Joint Auditors

This SA describes the principles for the effective conduct of joint audits to achieve the overall objectives of the audit.

SA 300

Planning an Audit of Financial Statements

SA 300 covers the auditor’s responsibilities towards planning for an audit of financial statements.

SA 315

Identifying and Assessing the Risk of Material Misstatement through Understanding the Entity and its Environment

It covers the auditor’s responsibility to identify and assess the risk of material misstatement in the financial statements.

SA 320

Materiality in Planning and Performing an Audit

It covers the auditor’s responsibility to apply the concept of materiality in planning and performing an audit of financial statements.

SA 330

The Auditor’s Response to Assessed Risks

This covers the auditor’s responsibility to design and implement responses to the assessed risk of material misstatement identified.

SA 402

Audit Considerations Relating to an Entity Using a Service Organization

It covers the responsibility of the auditor to obtain sufficient and appropriate audit evidence when an entity uses a service organization.

SA 450

Evaluation of Misstatements Identified during the Audit

This SA covers requirements to evaluate the effects of identified misstatements on the audit.

SA 500

Audit Evidence

This SA describes the auditor’s responsibility to design and perform audit procedures to obtain sufficient and appropriate audit evidence to draw reasonable conclusions.

SA 501

Audit Evidence- Specific Considerations for Selected Items

This SA covers the specific considerations undertaken by the auditor in obtaining sufficient and appropriate audit evidence for selected items.

SA 505

External Confirmations

It deals with the auditor’s use of external confirmation methods to acquire audit evidence.

SA 510

Initial Audit Engagements Opening Balances

This SA covers auditor’s responsibilities relating to opening balance when conducting an initial audit engagement.

SA 520

Analytical Procedures

This SA covers the auditor’s use of analytical procedures.

SA 530

Audit Sampling

This SA describes the application of audit procedures to provide a reasonable basis for the auditor to draw conclusions from the audit sampling.

SA 540

Auditing Accounting Estimates, including Fair Value Accounting Estimates, and Related Disclosures

This SA covers the auditor’s responsibilities regarding accounting estimates etc.

SA 550

Related Parties

This SA covers the auditor’s responsibilities related to related parties while conducting the audit of any entity.

SA 560

Subsequent Events

It describes the fundamental principles of audit to be followed by auditors in their audit engagements.

SA 570

Going Concern

This SA covers the auditor’s responsibilities in the audit of financial statements relating to going concern.

SA 580

Written Representations

This SA describes the auditor’s responsibility to obtain written representations from the management.

SA 600

Using the work of Another Auditor

It covers the principal auditor’s responsibilities in relation to the use of the work of other auditors.

SA 610

Using the Work of Internal Auditors

It covers the responsibilities of the external auditors in relation to using the work of Internal Auditors.

SA 620

Using the Work of An Auditor’s Expert

It covers the auditor’s responsibilities relating to using the work of others which helps to obtain the audit evidence.

SA 700

Forming an Opinion and Reporting on Financial Statements

It covers the auditor’s responsibilities in forming an opinion on financial statements.

SA 701

Communicating Key Audit Matters in the Independent Auditor’s report

It covers the auditor’s responsibilities to communicate the key audit matters in the audit report.

SA 705

Modifications to the Opinion in the Independent Auditor’s Report

It covers the auditor’s responsibility to issue an appropriate report in the circumstances if modification is required.

SA 706

Emphasis of Matter Paragraphs and Other Matter Paragraphs in the Independent Auditor’s Report

This SA deals with additional communication in the auditor’s report when it’s necessary to be considered by the auditor.

SA 710

Comparative Information Corresponding Figures and Comparative Financial Statements

It deals with the responsibilities of an auditor with respect to comparative information in the audit of the financial statement.

SA 720

The Auditor’s Responsibilities Relating to Other Information in Documents Containing Audited Financial Statements

It deals with the auditor’s responsibilities relating to other information, whether financial or non-financial information included in an annual report of an entity.

SA 800

Special Considerations- Audit of Financial Statements Prepared in Accordance with Special Purpose Frameworks

This SA specify the special consideration in the applications of those SAs to an audit of financial statements prepared in accordance with a special purpose.

SA 805

Special Considerations- Audit of Single Financial Statements and Specific Elements, Accounts, or Items of Financial Statements

This SA describes the special considerations in the application of those SAs to an audit of a single financial statement or of a specific element for e.g. A schedule of net tangible assets.

SA 810

Engagements to report on Summary Financial Statements

This SA covers the auditor’s responsibilities when undertaking an engagement to report on summary financial statements.


SAs are like the yardstick against which the quality of the audit results is evaluated. Sometimes for small practitioners which have less complex entities, it’s a quite difficult task due to compliance with many standards of auditing. For this, ICAI has published circulars as implementation guides so better implementation of SAs. Furthermore, there is a drastic increase in the number of frauds, which ultimately affects the trustworthiness of chartered accountants.

As per SA 200, the auditor cannot obtain absolute assurance because of inherent limitations of the auditing, but the auditor can defend his audit opinion with proper compliance with standards on auditing as well as proper audit documentation while conducting the audit.

Anuradha Tiwari

CA Aspirant
Fields of Interest: Audit and Assurance, Indirect Taxation

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